"Shine on, shine on"

Films: Doctor Sleep (2019)

Alias: Various, notably Rose the Hat, Crow Daddy, Snakebite Andi, Barry the Chunk, and Grandpa Flint

Type: Mystical

Location: Civilized Area/Haunted Home/Eldritch Location

Height/Weight: That of average humans.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: More than twenty years ago, we bore witness to perhaps the worst case of cabin fever ever. Now, little Danny Torrance is all grown up, still haunted by that fateful night. But he's got a whole new problem now. And it might just bring him back to where the nightmare started...

History: A whole 31 years after the incident at the haunted Outlook Hotel, Dan Torrance is an alcoholic doctor still communicating with the dead via the Shining. But soon, he learns that there are many other kids tapping into that special power. But all of them, including a particularly powerful one named Abra Stone, are being hunted. Since ancient times, there has existed the True Knot, a cult of psychic vampires that drain children of their Shining, and their lives by extent, in order to remain young and fresh forever. Leading this loathsome cabal is Rose the Hat, and they all have their sights on Abra for her power. Dan has no choice but to mentor her in controlling the Shining, even if it means coming to grips with his own trauma...

Notable Kills: We actually see them drain a kid. It's as awful as it sounds, as they intentionally draw out the torture to devour more Shine.

Final Fate: One by one, the True Knot is taken down as its members are killed by Dan and pals. But in order to defeat Rose, Dan and Abra have to travel to the abandoned Outlook Hotel, where Dan uses his Shining to unleash all of its spirits onto the evil woman. However, Dan is nearly taken over by them like his father was, and overloads the generator to burn the hotel to nothing, sacrificing himself in the process. That said, his spirit still keeps in touch with Abra, who remains steadfast in improving her Shining and destroying what remains of the True Knot...

Powers/Abilities: The True Knot feast on Shining to stay immortal, and can live for centuries. They are also capable of entering dreams/psychic landscapes.

Weakness: Over time, they get diminishing returns from Shining, and will inevitably age away. Also, conventional means work, and if one is particularly adept with their Shining, they can fight back.

Scariness Factor: 3.5-For all of their affable attitudes and charismatic dispositions, the True Knot is indistinguishable from child predators. Crow Daddy and Rose the Hat are the worst of them all, being a skilled shooter and a master manipulator respectively. Also, anyone can become a part of this cult, even if it's just to get away. All of that said though, seeing them brought down to size by the very thing they sought is always worth watching.

Trivia: -Stephen King got the idea for a sequel to "The Shining" in 1998 when someone asked him what happened to Danny after he escaped. He ruminated on it for a long time before doing this.

-Before this film's rather unimpressive box-office reception, Warner Bros. was thinking of doing a prequel film starring Dick Halloran before the Outlook Hotel became what it was. Not the greatest idea, really.

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Like the whine? No, wait...

Remember. We have to fear her.
Heeeeeere's Sleepy!

Why would the Amish turn on us?

Something about this feels very MeToo-ish...
Count your blessings. At least you're not in a very certain dress.

See? Totally normal!
We don't tip our hats to you.

"At least my ears aren't freezing off like yours."
